company policy page
Thank you for choosing our service, please review the estimate and travel information, sign below and fax return BOTH PAGES immediately to secure your reservation.
RATE ESTIMATE: The cost presented to you at this time is an estimate of the service you have requested. Our rates are all inclusive. Wait time or additional services will change this amount. For services outside the Central Business District, the hourly rate will be charged from the time the vehicle leaves the home garage until it returns to the garage.
TRANSFER RATE: This service is a flat rate from point-to-point within the Business District for a maximum usage time of one (1) hour. If the service is extended over one (1) hour due to flight delay, extra stops or multi drops, etc., you will be charged at the hourly rate of the vehicle.
ADDITIONAL CHARGES: Tolls, parking, phone usage, cleaning fees, vehicle damage and other surcharges that cannot be calculated prior to service are not included in the estimate.
HOURLY RATE AND AS DIRECTED SERVICE: The cost of this service will be billed at the actual time of usage of the vehicle over the minimum hourly requirement. This service is client directed. Our chauffeurs do not determine the length of service nor do they end the service at the minimum requirement.
OUT-OF-TOWN, MULTIPLE DAY TRIPS: The cost of this service is a minimum of 12 hours per day plus driver’s hotel expense. If over 12 hours, actual time of usage of the vehicle will be charged.
ACCOUNT SERVICE FEE, GRATUITY AND STC CHARGE: The account service fee, gratuity and STC fee are all a percentage of the Flat or Hourly Rate. These rates are subject to change with the actual time of usage of the vehicle.
CANCELLATION AND CHANGES: To change or cancel a reservation, please call our main office number shown at the top of this reservation. Cancellations must be received at least (4) hours in advance of the service pick-up time for Sedans, SUV’s, Limousines and Vans. Cancellations must be received one (1) week – (7) days in advance of service pickup time for 25 Passenger Mini Buses up to 56 Passenger Motor Coaches or charges will apply for a late cancellation equal to the cost of this estimate; as if the service is completed. If you experience difficulty locating your chauffeur, please call our main office number shown at the top of this reservation. Leaving your pick-up location without notifying our office will result in a “No Show” charge equal to the cost of the estimate as if the service is completed. To verify a cancelled order, you must provide us with the Cancellation Number given to you at the time of cancellation.
PAYMENT: Your credit card will be preauthorized 72 hours prior to the actual date of service for the total amount plus 5 % for any incidentals or overages. After the trip is completed, your preauthorization will be lifted and a final bill will be processed and your credit card will be charged in full for the amount due. Overages will be billed in 15-minute increments once the hourly minimum is met. Final billing will Additional Charges, a Late Cancellation or No-Show charge will automatically be included in the final billing and charged to your card. We do not accept cash or checks. It is your responsibility to request a copy of the final charges should you not receive one via email. ***GRATUITY IS INCLUDED IN OUR PRICE.